AI Tasking

We can do the AI work for you, creating images, videos, texts, and using other AI technologies. You don’t have to know to use them to benefit

Knowing which tools can help you is only half the battle.

However, we have access to premium versions of tools and expertise in using them. Have us run AI processes for you and get the best results possible with no time or learning of your own!

Examples include:

  • Using the latest (paid) version of MidJourney, the top AI image which you have likely seen tons of example for on the web.
    • Most high quality AI images you see are created with MidJourney and we’ve been crafting prompts and developing expertise. In face many images on this website were created using it!
  • Using chatGPT 4.0 (pro version) – chatGPT is all the rage and version 4.0 is very powerful and even more so when you know how to use it.
  • Creating AI videos such as the one on our homepage 100% through AI or taking existing videos and modifying them using AI to create something unique
  • Making AI music – want us to help make a song to a loved one that sounds like their favorite singer? We can help you do that!

Ready to work together?